Castle Primary School
Newlands Road,
BS31 2TS

Access is via Newlands Road NOT Dunster Road

0117 986 4489

Castle Primary School

Progressive Kids 

Our wrap-around-care for pupils in Years R to 6 is called  'Progressive Kids' and is operated by Progressive Sports (not the school). 

All sessions are run by experienced play leaders and offer before and after-school care with flexibility at competative rates.

Breakfast Club is from 7.30-8.30am (£4 per session) and there are 3 after-school options:

3-4pm Sports Club (£5 per session) 

PS Kids 3-4.30pm (£6 per sesssion) OR 3-6pm (£10 per session) 

There is the option of a full-day rate (Breakfast Club and After-School Club until 6pm) at £12 per day.

There is a 10% discount for siblings.  

Breakfast and snacks (at 4.30pm) are provided.

Bookings are made online (see the link below) and child-care vouchers can be used against payment.

Bookings for after-school club by Monday at 9am for the week ahead or upto 8am on each school day for Breakfast Club. 

Please see the links below for the Progressive Kids timetable and Freqently Asked Questions

 Progressive Kids Wraparound at Castle Primary.pdfDownload
 PS_Kids_Timetable_Castle (3).pdfDownload
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 Progressive Kids at Castle- Parents Feedback.pdfDownload
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PS Kids After School Club

In response to parental feedback, we  offer three different session times.  Sports Club is 3-4pm and then there is PS Kids, again sessions start at 3 pm with the options of a 4.30 pm or 6.00 pm collection.  The longer session (until 6pm) includes a healthy snack when the children can choose from a number of options, eg wraps, homemade pizza as well as fruit. There are also a wide range of activities for children to do either alone or with their friends including: board games, sports, construction and playing with the wide range of toys.  There is also help and support available for children who want to use the time completing their home learning.  We try to use the outdoor playgpound and field as much as possible.


Please note the unique identification number (the one that HMRC and other government agencies, eg Universal Credits, use) and childcare vouchers  is NCR554.